Beat political burnoutWe were just starting to recover from 2016, 2018, and 2020 when suddenly 2022 came in swinging hard. With less than 50 days left until the election and a lot of us are starting to feel the tell-tale signs of burnout.

What is Political Burnout?

According to the National Institute of Health, burnout is defined as “a psychological syndrome emerging as a prolonged response to chronic interpersonal stressors. The three key dimensions of this response are an overwhelming exhaustion, feelings of cynicism and detachment, and a sense of ineffectiveness and lack of accomplishment.” So when you are politically engaged, you can start to feel the symptoms of burnout due to the extreme emotional and mentally demanding nature of politics.

How to Fight Burnout?

Take care of yourself.
Self-care is a lot more than doing a face mask. Make sure you are eating well, sleeping well, and moving your body to help process and release stress.

Take a break.
Feeling like it’s all too much? Take a break! Go for a walk, drink some water, dance — all of these things can help. Even taking five minutes to breathe or meditate can make situations feel clearer.

Stop scrolling.
They don’t call it “doom scrolling” for nothing, but luckily there are tools out there to help you monitor how much time you spend on TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook.

Get local.
The way the media frames politics can feel overwhelming, so get local. Support your state house or senate representative, attend a city council meeting, or volunteer for your favorite candidate. The more local the politics, the more direct impact you will see in your life and community!

You are not alone.
Remember that you are not alone in this fight! The CDP is here, your representatives are here, and your fellow Democrats are all here to help and support you. You got this. We are in this together.

Have hope.
While the world can sometimes feel bleak, we must never give up hope. We are all out here working hard every day to make a better future for you and every other Coloradan.

So please remember to take care of yourself; we are in the fight together for ourselves and the future!

Colorado Democratic Party

Courtesy of Colorado Democratic Party
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