I Want to Help Our Local Party

Everything you do, no matter how small, contributes to the collective force shaping our community. By participating, you help build a stronger, more responsive democracy. From canvassing to organizing events, there are diverse opportunities to fit your interests. Together, we amplify our voices, foster positive change, and hold those in power accountable. Be a part of the movement, where each volunteer propels us closer to a community that reflects our shared values.

There are endless opportunities to share your time and talents with the Montrose County Democratic Party and really make a difference in our community! Whether you have a few minutes or a few hours to give, you will help to improve our chances for success in the upcoming elections.

If you would like to volunteer for a particular task, please fill out the form below and click the “Submit Form” button. You will be contacted by a party representative as quickly as possible.

Having to go vote and volunteer some time is nothing compared to all of those gravesites in the Philippines, in France and in Germany,of American soldiers who died for this country. All those Americans in the Union who died in the Civil War. To not be a citizen is to disrespect what they gave up their lives for. We need to take the responsibility of being a citizen seriously. Not just talk. Not just griping on the internet. Act like an owner. It's important. (David Kay Johnson)